3 signs of liver damage to never ignore
The liver performs several crucial bodily functions. For instance, it eliminates toxins, supports digestion, and helps store essential nutrients. However, specific lifestyle habits and underlying health conditions can affect the organ, lowering its performance and increasing the risk of severe complications. When that happens, one may develop numerous symptoms. Here are a few such signs of liver damage individuals should not ignore and immediately get a diagnosis from a healthcare professional. Jaundice Jaundice, characterized by the yellowing of the eyes and skin, is also called yellow fever. The ailment develops when there is a buildup of toxic compounds and waste products in the body, which the liver cannot filter out. Bilirubin is an example of such a toxic compound, formed when the body breaks down old or damaged red blood cells. When the liver cannot appropriately filter out bilirubin from the body, its buildup gives the skin, eyes, and even the mouth a yellow tint. One’s urine may also turn dark and the stool pale when suffering from jaundice. These are potential signs of liver damage that should never be ignored. Fatty liver disease Fatty liver disease is a common term for numerous illnesses that affect the liver when too much fat accumulates in its cells.